Schedule Of Rates And Charges


From and after July 1, 2024, the following rates shall apply:

First 3,000 gallons (minimum) = $20.49

Each additional 1,000 gallons = $6.83/1,000 gallons

Flat Rate = $34.16

After July 1, 2017, the JSA may adjust the listed rates in accordance with the consumer price index for all urban consumers (“CPI-U”).


Permits are issued to certain industries that produce wastewater of an unusual content or an abnormally high strength. Industries that qualify, as determined by JSA, will pay a permit fee of $900 every three years.

Additional surcharge rates shall apply to each user of the treatment system that has received permission from JSA to contribute excessive strength wastewater to the sewer system.

For the treatment of biological oxygen demand ("BOD") waste in a concentration exceeding 300 mg/l, an additional surcharge will be imposed as follows:

  • From and after July 1, 2024, a surcharge of $0.26 per pound of BOD.

For the treatment of waste containing total suspended solids ("TSS") in a concentration exceeding 350 mg/l, a surcharge will be imposed as follows:

  • From and after July 1, 2024, a surcharge of $0.27 per pound of TSS.

For the treatment of ammonia as nitrogen ("NH3-N") waste in a concentration exceeding 25 mg/l, an additional surcharge will be imposed as follows:

  • From and after July 1, 2024, a surcharge of $0.65 per pound of NH3-N.

For the treatment of oil and grease ("Oil & Grease") waste in a concentration exceeding 100 mg/l, an additional surcharge will be imposed as follows:

  • From and after July 1, 2024, a surcharge of $0.38 per pound of Oil & Grease.

After July 1, 2017, the JSA may adjust these rates in accordance with the consumer price index for all urban consumers ("CPI-U").


The JSA shall assess a fee for the treatment and proper disposal of acceptable waste that is generated within McCracken County and hauled to the Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant. The following rates will apply for the disposal of hauled waste:

From and after July 1, 2024, the charge will be $48.00 per 1,000 gallons of hauled waste.

After July 1, 2017, the JSA may adjust these rates in accordance with the consumer price index for all urban consumers (“CPI-U”).

JSA shall assess a fee for the treatment and proper disposal of acceptable waste that is generated outside of McCracken County and hauled to the Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant. The fee for treatment and disposal of acceptable waste generated outside McCracken County shall be exactly double the fee charged for waste generated in McCracken County.

Qualified haulers will also pay an annual fee for a disposal permit in the amount of $300.



This is a fee assessed to recover the costs of constructing core facilities and appurtenances which make sewer service available. This fee would be due from every new customer that connects to the system. The fee is $1,950 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU).


This fee is a charge to all new customers connecting to the JSA sanitary sewer system, and represents the purchase of their share of capacity. This fee would be due from every new customer that connects to the system. The fee is $350 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). 


A lateral connection fee is a charge assessed to recover the costs associated with constructing a physical sewer connection for a property from the property line or the right-of-way to the JSA sanitary sewer system. This fee would be due from any new customer requesting such a connection. This fee is $625 minimum per connection, but may vary based on the actual width of the right-of-way.