Customer Service

Before You Dig (BUD)

The JSA performs location services for excavations within our service area.  If you wish to excavate in our area, you may call our office at (270) 575-0056.  You will be directed to submit your utility location request via email at  Kentucky's BUD requirements related to excavation notification and marking can be found within the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) at KRS 367.4905 through KRS 367.4917.

Geographic Information System (GIS) Map

GIS mapping of the JSA System can be found by clicking this link MapGIS (

Mapping may be found in the map entitled "City of Paducah Public Utilities".  Gravity sewer lines are shown either in green (sanitary only) or purple (sanitary and storm combined).

New Service Connections

The JSA requires permits for various activities in relation to the publicly owned wastewater system, including:

Connection Permits - A fully executed Sanitary Sewer Connection Permit is required for all new connections and reconnections to the publicly owned wastewater system. Fees associated with the sanitary sewer connection permit may be found in our current rate schedule. Connection Permits may be completed at our office located at 621 Northview Street in Paducah. A six inch cleanout is required at the point of connection at the right-of-way or easement line.

Disconnection Permits - A Disconnection Permit is required when service to a location is disconnected. This is generally when a residence or building is being demolished. The current property owner of the building to be demolished is disconnect the private lateral from the JSA system at the roadway right-of-way line, and place a cap over the remainder of the lateral connected to the sewer main. No fees for this permit is required, however, a JSA staff member is to inspect the cap prior to backfill being placed in the trench. Disconnection Permits may be completed at our office located at 621 Northview Street in Paducah or at the City of Paducah Inspection Department located at the Paducah City Hall, 300 South 5th Street.

Persons wishing to apply to connect for service should stop by our office at 621 Northview Street in Paducah and complete a sanitary sewer connection permit. Connection fees and billing will be according to our current rate schedule.

Your Utility Bill

JSA customers receive a statement each month from Paducah Water listing their charges for the previous billing period. This bill includes JSA sewer service, as well as other charges where applicable. 

Questions concerning your bill or usage should be directed to Paducah Water. Questions regarding your sanitary sewer connection should be directed to our office by calling (270) 575-0056.