Wallace Park Sanitary Sewer Separation

Costing approximately $5 million, project was necessary to help achieve compliance with JSA's Long Term Control Plan for combined sewers, which convey both sanitary and storm water flows.

Combatting Wet Weather Issues in the Separate Sanitary Sewer Network

The Cook Street drainage basin wet weather storage tank, costing approximately $730,000 serves as a temporary storage basin for the area during heavy rain events.

Bridge Street Sanitary Sewer Separation Project

Costing approximately $750,000, project was necessary to help achieve compliance with JSA's Long Term Control Plan for combined sewers, which are sewers that convey both sanitary and storm water flow.

Infrastructure Rehabilitation

JSA is committed to infrastructure rehabilitation. Over fifty-five miles of sewer lines have been rehabilitated since 2007, costing over $14,000,000.

Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant Influent Pump Station

Built in 1959, the pump station's motors, controls, electrical service and screening were all upgraded in the late 2000's. In addition, standby electrical power generation was added.

96 Inch Sewer Pipe Construction

This pipe, constructed in 1923, is still in use today.  JSA active sanitary sewer infrastructure dates back to 1899.

Treatment Plant Aeration Units

Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant has been in continuous service since 1959, with upgrades occurring in 1973,1988, 2003 and 2009.  The plant is a conventional aeration type plant, where diffused air is utilized for biological treatment of the sanitary flow.

Preventive and Predictive Maintenance

JSA performs planned preventive and predictive maintanence activities regularly to maintain and extend the service life of equipment. Here, rehabilitation work on a 1973 secondary clarifier is shown.

The Paducah McCracken Joint Sewer Agency (JSA) was formed on July 1, 1999, to take over the operation and maintenance of Paducah and McCracken County’s combined sanitary and storm sewer system and sanitary-only sewer system. 
The JSA is responsible for a large wastewater collection and treatment network, including:

  • 385 miles of gravity sanitary sewer,
  • 41 miles of combined storm and sanitary sewer,
  • 58 miles of sanitary sewer force main and
  • 6,400 manholes
  • 30,000 sanitary laterals
  • Paducah Wastewater Treatment Plant – 9 million gallon per day capacity
  • Reidland Wastewater Treatment Plant – 1 million gallon per day capacity
  • Woodlawn Wastewater Treatment Facility – 0.900 million gallon per day capacity

The JSA is a non-profit regional utility service. Our revenue comes from wastewater treatment fees, plus charges for extending wastewater lines and connecting new customers. 
All of the agency's revenue is used for operation, maintenance, extension and improvement of services.

Before You Dig (BUD)

The JSA performs location services for excavations within our service area.  If you wish to excavate in our area, you may call our office at (270) 575-0056.  You will be directed to submit your utility location request via email at jsabud@jointsewer.com.  Kentucky's BUD requirements related to excavation notification and marking can be found within the Kentucky Revised Statutes (KRS) at KRS 367.4905 through KRS 367.4917.

Board Of Directors

The JSA is governed by a seven-member board. Three members are appointed by the Paducah City Commission, three members are appointed by the McCracken County Fiscal Court, with the final member selected jointly by both commissions. Members serve four-year overlapping terms and can be reappointed. The full Board meets once monthly on the fourth Thursday at 5 PM.

Contact Us

Paducah McCracken County Joint Sewer Agency
621 Northview Street
Paducah, KY 42001
(270) 575-0056

John Hodges, Executive Director

Josh Webb, Engineering and Operations Director

Amanda Walker, Finance Director